SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2020, Vol 9, Num, 2     (Pages: 102-115)

Effect of Sodic Irrigation Water on Soil Salinity Changes

Ayşe ERTAŞ PEKER 1 ,Hasan Sabri ÖZTÜRK 2

1 Karadeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Samsun
2 Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fak, Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü, Ankara

DOI: 10.21657/topraksu.713951
Viewed: 5439
Downloaded : 1286

The use of sodium-containing irrigation water causes to increase the sodium content of soils. In this study, it was aimed to monitor soil pH and EC values as a result of the application of irrigation waters containing Na+. Field trial was conducted with three replicates and five treatments. Artificial irrigation waters of 20 and 40 SAR with ECs are less than 3 dS m-1 were prepared from NaCl and NaHCO3 salts separately and applied to the parcels by drip irrigation. A total of fifteen irrigation applications were performed, and soil salinity parameters were monitored from the samples taken in every five watering. It was determined that the soil pHe did not increase significantly in both doses of NaCI applications until the end of the 2nd period, even decreased significantly in only SAR 20 applications during 2nd period and had similar results to the pre-irrigation period, and the pHe started to increase only after the third period after the winter rains. Similarly, the soil pHe of NaHCO3 applications did not change until the end of 2nd period, and by 3nd periods, there were increases for both doses, especially for SAR 40. While the pH of soil with NaHCO3 salt reached to 8.28 after the 4th period, NaCl salt increased the soil pH to 7.65 in SAR 40 irrigation water treatment. The ECe values both on the soil surface and subsurface increased in harmony with the increase in SAR for both salt types, especially with the use of water with NaCl. In addition, the salts were transported from the upper soil layer to the lower layers by winter rains between the 2nd and 3nd periods. The use of irrigation water containing NaHCO3 salt had no significant effect on soil EC values. The average the initial soil ECe of 0.60 dS m-1 reached to 5.53 dS m-1 in the SAR 40 of NaCI application at 0-10 cm soil depth at the end of the 4th period. As a result, the soil pHe has not changed significantly due to the buffering capacity of the soils, with the use of irrigation waters with different SAR values for a medium period of time. ECe values on the soil surface increased especially in NaCI applications due to the increase of SAR values of the waters, except for the 3nd periods.

Keywords : Sodium, SAR, pH, EC, irrigation, soil buffering capacity