SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2017, Vol 6, Num, 1     (Pages: 044-051)

Determination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Requirements For Eskişehir Province Grasslands

Celalettin AYGÜN 1 ,İsmail KARA 1 ,A. Levent SEVER 1 ,İlker ERDOĞDU 1 ,A. Kadir ATALAY 1 ,K. Aytaç ÖZAYDIN 2 ,Hakan YILDIZ 2 ,Öztekin URLA 2 ,Metin AYDOĞDU 2 ,Ediz ÜNAL 2 ,Osman AYDOĞMUŞ 2 ,Fatma DEDEOĞLU 2 ,M. Güven TUĞAÇ 2 ,Harun TORUNLAR 2 ,Hicrettin CEBEL 3 ,Oğuz BAŞKAN 3 ,Mehmet KEÇECI 3 ,Mustafa BOZKURT 3

1 Geçit Kuşağı Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Çayır Mera Yem Bitkileri Bölümü, ESKİŞEHİR
2 Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Bölümü, ANKARA
3 Toprak Gübre ve Su Kaynakları Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, ANKARA

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The objective of this study is to determine soil physical and chemical characteristics of rangelands of Eskişehir province and to determine nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P205) fertilizer requirements of those rangelands. Soil sampling was carried out on 142 locations, from 0 to 25 cm depth, distributed over grasslands of Eskişehir. According to study results; Condition classes of Eskişehir grasslands is as follows; rangelands of 52 sampling point (%36.6) is in poor condition, 88 sampling points (%62.2) is medium, and 2 sampling points (%36.6) good, Health classes of those rangelands are risky, healthy, and problematic in 13 (%9.2), 123 (%86.6), and 6 (%6.2),sampling points respectively. Rehabilitation is necessary in grasslands of 64 sampling points (%45.1), the rehabilitation is helpful in 76 points(%53.5) and only soil management practices is necessary in 2 points (%1.4).

According to study results fertilizer need of the grasslands is as follow; no phosphorus application is necessary for 19 grasslands sites, For the other sites, phosphorus (P2O5) requrements are calculated as; 0.06-0.50 kg da-1 for 3 sites, 1.0-1.90 kg da-1 for 9 sites, 2.0-2.78 kg da-1 for 12 sites, 3.06-3.97 kg da-1 for 18 sites, 4.11-4.99 kg da-1 for 22 grasslands sites, 5.08-5.99 kg da-1 in 22 sites, 6.16-6.95 kg da-1 in 22 sites, 7.16-7.82 kg da-1 in 8 sites, 8.04-9.80 kg da-1 in 7 sites. The amount of nitrogen deficit in sites are as follows; 2.3-2.9 kg da-1 in 9 sites, 3.0-3.9 kg da-1 in 24 sites, 4.0-4.9 kg da-1 in 33 sites 5.0-5.9 kg da-1 in 40 sites and 6.0-7.0 kg da-1 in 37 sites.

Keywords : grassland, nitrogen, phosphorous, soil, yield