SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2019, Vol 8, Num, 3     (Pages: 015-023)

Relationships Between Erodibility And Some Soil Properties Of Soils In Micro Chatchment Scale

Fikret SAYGIN 1 ,Orhan DENGİZ 2 ,Serkan İÇ 1

1 Zir. Yük. Müh. Karadeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü, Samsun
2 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü, Samsun

DOI: 10.21657/topraksu.654768
Viewed: 1381
Downloaded : 635

Generation of accelerated soil erosion depends on climate and soil properties directly, and also other factors determine its dimension and direction. Determination of soil erodibility characteristic as an input to predicting models is first step for soil erosion studies. The objective of this study was to reveal the erodibility of tillage soils by using soil erodibility factor (USLE-K), which has been the subfactor of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), dispersion ratio (DR) and clay ratio (CR) indices on micro basin of Bayburt province located on Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. For this purpose, 28 soil samples were taken from different location points of cultivated land in micro basin. After laboratory studies, the data obtained were transferred to digital platform and tested statistically. According to evaluation results, the erosion sensitivity of micro basin soils was found to be different from each other. CR values varied between 1.05 and 6.71 while USLE-K values were calculated between 0.070 and 0.580 t ha-1 ha MJ-1 h mm-1. In addition, DR was also found between 5.81 and 48.55. According to USLE-K, 78.6% of cultivated land soils was classified as high and very high erodible soil while more than half of soils samples was classified low resist against to soil erosion. Moreover these soil samples were located on cultivated lands which have been used as fallow and wheat growth.

Keywords : Dispersion ratio (dr), clay ratio (cr), micro basin, usle-k