SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2024, Vol 13, Num, 1     (Pages: 055-063)

The Use of Hose Reel Irrigation Machines and Energy Efficient Components in Irrigation

Turgay Polat 1 ,Ahmet Çolak 2

1 Ankara Central Research Institute of Field Crops, Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technologies, 06170 Ankara, Türkiye
2 Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technologies Engineering, Ankara University, 06110 Ankara, Türkiye

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The energy consumed for irrigation is one of the most important inputs in crop production. Irrigation water is distributed within the parcel with minimum loss by using winged or gun systems together with a hose reel irrigation machine (HRIM). The increase in the amount of energy consumed for irrigation increases the cost of the unit product. To reduce the unit product cost, irrigation systems must be used with energy-efficiency units. Frequency converters (FC), pressure transmitters (PT), and programmable logic controllers (PLC) are among the components used to provide energy efficiency. A change in the amount of current drawn by the motors according to the changes in the required flow rate in the pumping facilities is possible by using FC, PT, and PLC. In addition, with more than one motor pump pair; it is necessary to use FC and PLC to be used by connecting in parallel, to operate with the principle of co-aging, and to make a soft start. Instantaneous pressure information is transmitted to PLC and FC via a PT to be installed on the collector in the discharge line in systems with parallel-connected pumps. In this way, the motor revolutions used to drive the pumps are changed via FC, in real-time according to the changes in the flow. Thus, pump-motor pairs are operated with the principle of `constant pressure variable flow` and energy savings are achieved.

Keywords : Hose reel irrigation machine, Pumping plant, Programmable logic controller, Frequency converter, Pressure tranmitter