SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2013, Vol 2, Num, 2     (Pages: 073-082)

The Effects of Zinc Application on The Growth and Zinc Content of Rice Varieties Having Different Kernel Weights

Hesna Özcan 1 ,Süleyman Taban 2 ,Özlem Koç Tunaboylu 3 ,Yakup Çıkılı 4 ,Nilgün Taban 5

1 Toprak Gübre ve Su Kaynakları Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara
2 Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü, Ankara
3 Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Bitkisel Üretim Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara
4 Düzce Üniversitesi Çilimli Meslek Yüksekokulu, Düzce
5 Ziraat Mühendisi, Kastamonu

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The aim of this study was to determine the effect rice varieties/genotypes of having different kernel weights on the growth and zinc concentrations of rice pants under greenhouse conditions.

The greenhouse experiment was conducted according to randomized blocks experimental design with three replications by using totally 108 rice varieties/genotypes. In this experiment, zinc (ZnSO4.7 H2O) was applied on the soil at the rates of Zn0: control and Zn2: 2 mg Zn kg‒1. Considering the histogram distribution of the one thousand kernel weights of 108 rice varieties/genotypes used in the study, 4 groups were established as low (mean kernel weight: 29.63 g), moderate (mean kernel weight: 33.62 g), high (mean kernel weight: 38.25 g) and very high (mean kernel weight: 41.24 g). When zinc was applied to varieties having low kernel weight, amount of mean dry weight have increased 50.7 %. These figures showing the increase were as 13 % for varieties having mean kernel weight. There was no important increase in the amount of dry matter of varieties having high kernel weight. When zinc was applied to varieties having very high kernel weight, the amount of mean dry weight have increased 19.9 %. The increase in the zinc concentration of the rice varieties which zinc was applied, weigh 79.3 % for low kernel weigh, 80.5 % for mean kernel weigh, 74.9 % for high kernel weigh and 68.1 % for very high kernel weigh. When zinc was not applied, zinc concentration of the all groups of rice varieties were below the critical concentration level whereas the zinc contents were over the critical concentration level when zinc was applied.

Keywords : varieties, kernel weight, zinc application