SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2012, Vol 1, Num, 2     (Pages: 082-087)

Assessment of Different Parametric Approaches in Land Evaluation Studies

F. E. Sarıoğlu 1 ,O. Dengiz 1-2

1 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Toprak ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü, Samsun

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The main aim of this study is to determine land quality of the study area`s fields using three different parametric models (land quality index, storie index and productivity index). This study was carried out in Dedeli and Çetinkaya village and their near vicinity located at Bafra district of Samsun province covers about 1762.4 ha. Land mapping units and some soil parameters required for models were taken from detailed soil map prepared before. Land quality index values were estimated for each model by taking into consideration of land and soil characteristics of each land mapping unit. In addition land suitability maps of the study area were generated using GIS program for each model. According to results, productivity index, storie index and land quality index models were determined 1070.5 ha (67.7%), 543.4 ha (30.8%) and 748.2 ha (% 42.5), respectively at high and very high land qualities classes (S1 and S2). On the other hand, as compare to among models low, very low land quality class and non agriculture area were found 8.9% of the total area based on productivity index model while, according to storie index and land quality index models these quality classes were detected 58.6% and 57.6% respectively.

Keywords : Land evaluation, parametric approach, geographic information system